Ragging on the media seems to be a favorite past time of the general public nowadays. I’m here to talk about sports, but first off I’m convinced that the public has no idea about the difference between regular newscasts and commentary. I don’t think I can comment on how to do heart surgery yet the public thinks it knows all about how to broadcast news or sports or do play by play. It astounds me!
Yankee fans seem to be obsessed with Red Sox broadcasters for some reason especially the TV guys. Dave O’Brien is a pro. He can do multiple sports, has worked nationally and is one of the best in the business. Dennis Eckersley also does a great job. People might not like his little sayings, but listen to what he has to say. He is insightful and I think he knows the game a little bit. He also very fair. He compliments and criticizes the other team and does the same for the Red Sox. Listen to him carefully sometime and get by your own bias.
Yankee fans shouldn’t be throwing stones. Come on the Yankee radio team of John Sterling and Suzn Waldman? Give me a break. Suzn couldn’t get a job at a one watt radio station in the Northeast Kingdom unless it’s an off the air job. I don’t really mind Sterling, but if you think Yankee fans don’t like Eckersley’s schtick, what do you think non Yankee fans think about Sterling’s schtick? Sterling’s accuracy can be challenged too…”It is high and it is far” isn’t always high and far!
I think the Yankee TV crew is outstanding by the way. Michael Kaye is top notch and so are Paul O’Neil, David Cone and others.
If Yankee fans don’t want to hear the Red Sox announcers get the MLB package so you can hear your own announcers. Stop your constant whining!
Now for Red Sox fans who long for the days of Don Orsillo and Jerry Remy. Don Orsillo is great, but he’s not as good as Dave O’Brien. He and Remy worked great together and were entertaining, but I think Remy is better with O’Brien. He actually now seems to be analyzing games and not repeating what the play by play guy just said.
Finally I think the criticism of announcers by the public is in large part due to the bias of the public, not the announcer!