Advertise With Us

Advertising in today’s world can be confusing. Day in and day out consumers are bombarded with messages and logos on signs, newspapers, radios, televisions, online or wherever an advertising agency dreams up. Many times businesses are left not knowing which way to turn. That’s where NSN can help. Our experienced advertising professionals will shoot straight and help your business reach the people who spend money in your neighborhood.

The Northeast Sports Network offers advertising solutions to those trying to reach sports fans and active individuals in communities across the Northern New England area. A demographic analysis of our website traffic shows the majority of our visitors to be between the ages of 18-54 and very closely split between the genders. Our visitors also tend to have disposable income and the ability to purchase goods and services promoted to them.

In-Game Commercial

The first type of advertising NSN offers is in-game commercial advertising during our live or archived broadcasts. This form of advertising directly targets individuals interested in a particular sport or a particular team. Sports fans are loyal. They tend to stick with their teams, and they tend to support businesses they feel support their teams. Don’t miss your opportunity to reach fans of The University of Vermont, Norwich, Castleton, Lyndon State, Middlebury, Plattsburgh State, or the plethora of high schools that are featured in our live game broadcasts.

On Demand and Live Events

NSN offers a complete solution for you to monetize any live event through a Pay-per-view live, or on demand web stream. We offer many different levels of production, from a single camera to multiple camera angles with instant replay, as well as an experienced selection of play by play announcers as needed. If you are looking to add a revenue stream for an upcoming event, a pay-per-view stream powered by NSN is a great option!

Online Banner Ads

The second type of advertising we offer at Northeast Sports Network is online web banner placement. Placement of your banner advertisement on our website allows you to reach a portion of that traffic and potentially channel some of it to your own website. Our Banner advertising is sold based on guaranteed impressions. So, you know exactly what you are getting.

To find out how to take advantage of the opportunities above, or to learn more about our advertising services in general, please contact our Sales Manager:

Kevin Trask –
Phone – 802-274-4052