What is this G.O.A.T discussion going on now?
Michael Jordan vs. Tom Brady. It’s a stupid ESPN debate. Comparing players in different sports now?
Ridiculous! It’s apples and oranges and besides who cares?
Why not include Wayne Gretzky, Babe Ruth or Ty Cobb? Why not include Pauline Gretzky for that matter?
Yes I did watch some of the NFL and NHL All Star games yesterday. They were basically playing flag football in the NFL and of course the 3 on 3 in the NHL, but I got to say it wasn’t too bad!
I’m not a big fan of the NFL pre-game shows anyway, but I really try to stay away from the Super Bowl stuff as long as I can. I love football, but the Super Bowl hype bores me to death even when I have a rooting interest as I do this year!